Content Module     No God?   
         With every new discovery we become more aware of just how little we really know. How much of our world do we know and truly understand? And of our universe? A generous estimate would be about one one-thousandth of one percent. Let us assume we know and understand this much of our universe. Many scientists and philosophers will say it is not possible to truly know something; theories only support the interpretations of our senses. Those theories seem to be ever changing. Consider this, what can we truly know? Those of us who are washed clean by the blood of Jesus Christ know what we can believe and trust in Him. But those who do not know Christ say the one thing they do know to be absolutely true is "there is no God." When it comes to nature we admit to ourselves that our reasoning and our knowledge are very limitted. The Neandertal Man, for instance, showed us our brilliant theories were wrong. But we still don't question our methods. The new Kenyanthropus has shown us once more our scientific facts of evolution have not really been proven. We don't know as much as we thought we did. Don't forget all the fraudulent "proofs" of evolution that were presented to the public. Yet, we know there is no God. When it comes to God we some how become much more intelligent, despite problems with our own reasoning, and we claim the one thing in this universe we really do know is that their is no God. The fact is, we have invented our knowledge, which is why we discover so often that we are wrong. Unfortunately we will continue to invent our knowledge, and we will believe what we choose, regardless of the facts. We treat our opinions as though they were facts. We over-estimate our reasoning powers. Pagans have been taught mankind can someday know everything, given enough time. In reality, Pagans know only what they choose to know, and they will continue to invent anything required to support the religion of a Godless nature. Charles Darwin admitted this himself:

Although much remains obscure, and will long remain obscure, I can entertain no doubt, after the most deliberate study and dispassionate judgment of which I am capable, that the view which most naturalists until recently entertained, and which I formerly entertained- namely, that each species has been independently created- is erroneous.

from his Introduction, On the Origin of Species.

So the idea of the independent birth of species is erroneous? Check this out.

In response to the September 11 attacks, Bryant Gumbel interviewed Billy Graham's daughter.

	"Why didn't God stop this or do something about this?"

Billy Graham's daughter:  
	"For years we have told God we didn't want Him in our schools.  
	We didn't want Him in our government and we didn't want Him in 
	our finances and God was being a perfect gentleman in doing just
	what we asked Him to do.  
	We need to make up our mind - Do we want God or do we not want Him.  
	We cannot just ask Him in when disaster strikes."

Bryant Gumbel was silent.

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       NO GOD?       Fox Enterprises Ltd.
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